Friday, December 22

Xmas Post

Ok, so I'm a little - a lot - late posting to the blog... I wonder if anyone is even checking this I've taken so long to post... oh well.

Here's an update.

So our household has changed a mite. Maya is acting out more... dancing, yelling, bossing. She's also taking to painting her hands and face with marker.


She sort of gravitates towards being the center of attention in a loud and boisterous manner. She is endearing most of the time, especially when your energy can match hers. At other times, well, it can get difficult.
You know, I never imagined that the alpha of the children would be the middle girl in a family, but that seems to be the way it's shapping up...

Ethan, on the other hand, hasn't changed too much, at home at least. The teacher says he is acting out a little more in class and that he has a hard time focusing on what is going on in class... she has mentioned that she noticed some changes around the time that Dharma was born. I find it interesting. I mean, he has changed but he hasn't. The games he is gravitating towards are a little more physical and violent (to some degree...). He's all about Star Wars and lightsabers... every touch of the "saber" -rolled up newspaper or wrapping paper tubing - means you have to die. Yeah, it's violent. But he's also me 30 years ago... Man, did I just say 30 years ago!?... to some degree there has to be a "boys will be boys" aspect to this.

So, did this change just happen to coincide with the birth of the youngest or was the birth the catlyst... or was it the influence of peers... (now that he has peers...)

It doesn't matter, in my eyes. Bottom line, he has to develop. He has to explore death and dying in multiple different play and imagination settings. It's healthy. I feel that pushing this type of play back will lead to either repression or his hidding the play - which is way worse.

To some degree, Ethan is being bossed around a little by everyone, except for Dharma. But, at the same time, we all love him to bits and we show him that love at every opportunity...

With Amanda, although she isn't pulling her hair out, she is struggling to deal with the constant flow of demands from the children. She has also missed the adult relationships that explored different parts of her personality, especially the relationships she had with clients... always being the same "Amanda the Mom" is a hard way to pass day after day...

Dharma, well, he's good. Life is good for him. Goods eats, warm sleeps... what else could you want... oh yeah, a full service washroom.

Here's a few of the latest of Dharma:
I've got a little news too...
As most of you know I've been teaching a lot of yoga lately. Things have really taken off, too. I'm teaching 6 classes a week. 3 mornings and 3 nights... and as of now, no weekends, for a while. Soon, I'll be picking up a couple of lunch hours, which is pretty exciting too.

I absolutely love it!!! It's so much fun and it invigorates me for my day.

I also just received word yesterday, that I got a promotion at work... so now I'm a team lead - also fun stuff...

Anyway, that's all from our end for now... please email us, let us know you are reading this stuff... and fill us in our your lives.
With love, have a great holiday season.
OM Shanti!!


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