Saturday, March 22

Disney we LOVE YOU

I still think of Disney... all the time. Is that normal?

Holy synapse overload. You get use to it though. What at first seams CRAZY too many people and too much going on becomes normal every day kinda stuff.

So, the kids behaved like angels. Mind you we did threaten them upon arrival.... if you wonder off we will NEVER find you and you will be taken by a bad person and we will NEVER see you again! Okay, I could have exaggerated a bit, but it worked out for the best in the end.

I think my favourite ride had to be the crazy tea cup ride. We all did it together and Todd (being Todd) spun us like crazy. At first I was getting anxious b/c I thought I was going to be sick all over the kids, but I got a grip. I have never laughed so hard.

Again, I've only posted a few, so if you want to see more just go to my Face Book Photo album.

Daytona Beach

What a great trip. We could not have gone south at a better time. We completely avoided ALL of the snow... what was the total number of cm?... 80??

The driving down was mostly clear. We had some rain and fog through Penn State and the tail end of a hurricane in Florida. Can't complain.

The kids had a blast. Maya didn't want to return home. She was very upset to see that it wasn't summer back in O town. Ethan is happy to be where his Lego is and Dharma is just happy to be where the food is. Location is not important, easy access to Lego and food is.

I didn't want to attach ALL of the photos, so if you want to see more of them, I've added them to my Facebook Photos Albums.