Friday, April 25


Ethan started Karate a couple of weeks ago. So far so good.

He looks forward to Karate every Wednesday night.

In class they are learning about body awareness and self control/ discipline.

Just what every child needs.

Wednesday, April 23

Motivation from a Bus... ?

The kids from Ethan's SK class to a trip to the Dentist office at CHEO today.

Ethan was super excited for his first yellow school bus experience.

He woke up early, actually got dressed before heading downstairs, ate 2 PB-J sandwiches, packed up his school bag (with water and a snack), and ran out the front door.... with 40 minutes left until school time. What GREAT motivation! I need this Magic Bus coming by more often.

I arrived right on time to catch the school bus as it was driving up to the school for drop off and disposal of the children.

Smiling Buddha... i mean... Dharma

Mr. D had his first barber shop experience and I think it was a successful adventure.
We all love his soft little bald head, it makes for some good kissing material.

I had to include photos of Ethan and Maya just so one wouldn't think that this blog is entirely devoted to Dharma... ;0)

Wednesday, April 9

Easter Egg Hunt

The kids had a fun time with their Egg hunt at Nana and Papa's house. Mostly action shots taken. Nana helped the kids open gifts and Papa helped the kids find eggs.
The Easter Bunny was very kind this year. Lots of Chocolate Eggs and no poop... well maybe a bit out back.... :0).

In this photo Uncle Ben is helping Mr D open his egg... Mr D was convinced that the tin foil over top of the chocolate egg was edible.