Tuesday, November 28

Dharma on the Scene

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to our blogspot! We've started this blog to keep everyone up to date on our busy lives and our growing family.

The following is the birthing story of our newest member, Dharma Robert Everette (D.R.E.).

Dharma came into this world in a whirlwind adventure on Thursday, November 23, 2006.

It all started at around 5.45 am on Thursday morning. Amanda woke up and said she had "cramps". Now, given that this was our 3rd child, you'd think that birthing pains would be familiar - at least to a certain degree. But Amanda, using her water breaking as a primary indicator for the big event, wasn't too concerned. Haha, little did we know.

So, I asked: "You in labour?". To which she replied: "I dunno, maybe, I think they are just cramps."

I figured that today might likely be the day, especially, since we were already 3 days past Dharma's due date... so I called my parents.

Time check: 6.20.

I told my parents we were probably going to go to the hospital, so they should get ready. Amanda was pretty non-commital still about the whole thing going down... At this point, Amanda's been in the shower for 20 minutes, going on a half an hour before she actually gets out. So, I ask her if I can hop in once she's out. She says sure.

Time check: 6.45.

Cramps are now full blown contractions. I call my parents and tell them we gotta go.

Time check: 7.10.

I have already been told not to speak during contractions. My parents, who live 5 minutes away are not here. I call back, my mom says my dad has left... hmmmm. We leave moments (apparently) before my dad gets there. The kids are both still sleeping.

Time check: 7.15.

Conveniently, stuck in traffic. Oh, this is a happy time!

Time check 7.25.

In the Hospital Parking Garage. Contractions are 30 seconds to a minute apart. Every contraction, Amanda has to stop and pull on my shoulders for support. About 20 people walk by and watch. One person finally stops and says: "Do you need a wheelchair?". Almost dumb with non-belief that someone has acknowledged us, I say "That would be so-o-o awesome!" (who says that, really?!)

So now I'm thinking: "Home Free! All I have to do I wheel Amanda into the building, through the lobby, over to the elevators and down the hall to the delivery/labour section... HA HA Slow down Chief!! Every contraction now requires that we put the breaks on the whole situation.

Not only am I not allowed to speak during a contraction, I am not allowed to move... And I am thinking, "Oh man, how are we ever going to make it!?!?! We are nowhere near close to the elevators yet!". So, between contractions, I explain that we really gotta move... Amanda's thinking, "Well then go as fast as you want between contractions,then!!". But finally agrees to let me move her as contractions continue.

Time check: 7.35.

Reception. I.D and Papers required. Man, those nurses can be pretty non-chalant... so, they get us into a receiving room and then they leave us. (!?!?!?)

Amanda starts with the whole "I have to take my pants off!" and I'm thinking "holee. Hold on here!?!?" I leave the room and speaking incoherently get a nurse to come back in and help us. The nurse explains that Amanda needs to get on the table. And Amanda doesn't see that happening. The nurse leaves, again. Amanda gets on the table and then gets off, again.

I go get the nurse, again. The nurse tells Amanda to get back on the table, she has to do it! Amanda's ready to rip into the nurse, but decides against it. Amanda asks for drugs.

And you know, this is funny. Amanda has now spent a total of 26 months pregnant out of the last 39 monts. So, she has been anti-epidural for 26 months. She has also spent a total of 15 minutes reversing her personal stance on this option.

So the nurse FINALLY realizes that this baby is coming... also another factor that moves things along is that the nurse can't find a fetal heartbeat. We also hear that Dr McCarthy will not be able to make it... not having good feelings at this point.

Now we are moving Amanda down to the delivery section. As we round the corner: Dr McCarthy!! Yay, one good sign. The man knows what he is doing and he always brings calm to the situation. He also quicky finds the fetal heartbeat.

Time check: 7.40.

Once we get into the room some nurse asks if we would allow some young male 20 something paramedic to assist. whatever. But the funny thing now is that McCarthy is slowing absolutely everything down to conduct a teaching session. I have to admit I learned alot, but I'm also looking for more urgency from these people... I mean c'mon, let's get going...

[the following paragraph can be skipped by those who don't want too much detail]

So the McCarthy tells Amanda that it's Ok to push and he starts putting his gloves on. First push - KAPOW! The water broke! SO that indicator we were waiting on would have been a wee-bit late for us. Whe-ew! Baby crowns on the third push. Fourth push is controlled and the baby's head is out.

Dharma is born at 7.51. Healthy, Strong and Beautiful! His coloring is excellent and he lights up the room. The first time he is weighed they tell us he is 8lbs 2oz. They subsequently re-weigh him and he is officially, 7lbs 15oz.

What a morning!

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