Friday, April 6


Maya is hiding somewhere in that Fire Truck... her Preschool took her class to the Cumberland Fire Station and Maya had what we'll call, shy-fun.
Maya chose to wear a dress for this fine occasion.... and not just any dress, this dress was her X-mas dress, none the less. ;)
After Maya's trip was over, Daddy took the gang (minus Dharma and mummy) to the park. Now, this park is not just any park, this park is the Super-Ultra-Lightning-park of parks. For all of you out-of-towners, I recommend coming to Ottawa just to visit our lovely park. It features many things, but our most favourite structure is the castle... and maybe the pirate ship too (sorry no photo today).
This castle is huge! I tried climbing it last year with the kids, not quite making it to the top when I had to give up (vertigo... not good), and yes I'm blaming it on pregnancy. Maya and Ethan enjoying the swings.

Ciao for now. AMANDA

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