Monday, October 29

Scenes from: A Beautiful Fall Day

Hi Everyone,

Long time no chat. Lately, I've been busy so Amanda has been keeping you all up to date... but I've miraculously got time and energy to post...

I spent last week in Toronto. It was a little getaway for daddy. I was there, initially, for a yoga workshop... It was so much fun! Two three-hour sessions with the "teachers' teacher" and this teacher was blissfully sore and spent by the end of the week end.

I then had a work conference in T.O. on the following Thursday. That was pretty good too. I have a pretty interesting job, when it comes to stuff like this conference. We were training health researchers "how to" or the "importance of" translating their research into information that is useable to the relevent audience... that is we were trying to get it across to researchers that it was important for them to make sure that their health research findings were not left on the shelf but that they were actually used!!

Anyway, I got pretty homesick by the end of the week and really missed the crew back home... even with the full night sleeps i was having in my king size bed... so, as soon as I got home, I took the next day off and the whole fam-damily went for a hike!!

The pics below are the cutest ever!!! I can't believe that Amanda and I could have been this blessed.

I just love this one -it's perfect. It shows all of their personalities in one picture. Ethan, the big brother, looking on and enjoying the good times. Dharma being a little bit of the clown... and b-u-tiful Maya. Such a pretty smile! But all of them having a great time...

A little more formal version, couldn't resist, for you conservatives in the crowd ;-)

Then you've got daddy et les enfants sans Maman... mommy, unfortunately stayed behind the camera all day on this one...
This picture below got me, too. Seperated only by a generation... I sometimes find this kid looks a little like me.
Da Boyz!

Hee hee, our little tour guides for the afternoon... too bad this finished with, ah daddy my legs are tired... carry me, no, carry me....

Awww.... I bet in 10 years, the following pic is a head-lock... but for now it's a hug.

Peek-a-boo!! So, Dharma's really growing up!! He actually started saying EE-I-EE-I on Saturday and by Monday morning it was EE-I-EE-I- O!

The climbers... man, she can be intense :-)

Funny to see them being competitive... they were jockying all hike to see who was the leader. you should have seen Maya's face one time when i told her she was in the middle :-( yee,owch... don't know where they gets that from. ;-)

Here's a couple more for fun, before I sign off...

Ciao all... :-)

1 comment:

Mother of boys said...

Gorgeous photos, gorgeous kids!

Todd - I'm sorry we didn't have a chance to hook up with you while in Toronto! Always enjoy spending time with you. Instead will hopefully catch up in St. Thomas/London if you make it.